Treasure Eye Meridian Clear Drop(12ml)

Treasure Eye Meridian Clear Drop(12ml)

Eye Meridian


Regular price $780.00 HKD $580.00 HKD Sale

Highlight :
  • 【Treasure Eye Meridian Clear Drop】Inherited in the Ming Dynasty and adopted the great method of traditional Chinese medicine in the Qing Dynasty, it has a history of more than 200 years. It is a classic and excellent product that has been passed down for hundreds of years and has been clinically verified for a long time. And therapeutic effect, the product is suitable for men, women, old and young, teenagers, young and middle-aged people. It is a pure natural Chinese medicine eye drop that is rare in the international market and has maintenance and therapeutic properties.
  • 【Treasure Eye Meridian Clear Drop】Inheritance and manufacture of exclusive products using pure natural Chinese medicine, no steroid [Treasure Eye Meridian Clear Drop], after unprecedented standardization, through a series of rigorous, almost harsh aseptic standard manufacturing, inspection and identification, officially became a registered Chinese patent medicine product in Hong Kong (Chinese Patent drug registration number: HKC-12333), may be the only Chinese medicine eye drops that can be registered as a Chinese patent medicine by the Hong Kong Department of Health, and it is also a rare drug product in the world that can treat eye fundus diseases with natural Chinese medicine.
Origin :
Hong Kong

Ingredients :
Ginseng, in vitro cultured bezoar, safflower, natural borneol (D-borneol), fennel, Scrophulariaceae, etc.

Product Code: 1000081884