Goldboss Honlung Dragon Qianli Zhuifeng Ref Oil (40ML)
金波士 Goldboss
Regular price
$109.90 HKD
$109.90 HKD
Highlight :
- Suitable for various problems caused by excessive exercise, improper force, old age and overwork, etc. Use the effective secret recipe handed down from the ancestors, the essence of natural plants, and advanced scientific methods to refine it into oil
Origin :
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Product Code: 52025373
- 主治:
- 適合運動過度、用力不當、年老積勞等,所導致的各種問題。
- 采用祖傳之有效秘方,天然之植物之精華,先進科學方法,提煉成油
- 用兩或三滴(視乎輕重而定)搽於患處,輕輕按摩。每日3-4次。如有需要,每三小時可重複一次。
- 注意事項:
- 外用忌食
- 兩歲以下小兒及孕婦忌用
- 兒童使用本品前,應諮詢中醫師或醫生意見
- 使用時避免觸及眼睛黏膜
- 如有皮膚過敏反應,請即停止使用
- 儲存方式: 請存放於乾爽陰涼處, 請放於孩童觸及不到之處
- Indications:
It is suitable for various problems caused by excessive exercise, improper force, old age and overwork, etc.
Use the effective secret recipe handed down from the ancestors, the essence of natural plants, and advanced scientific methods to refine it into oil
Apply two or three drops (depending on the severity) to the affected area and massage gently.
3-4 times a day. Repeat every three hours if necessary. -
1 Do not eat for external use
2 Contraindicated for children under two years old and pregnant women
3 Before children use this product, they should consult a Chinese physician or doctor for advice
4 Avoid contact with eye mucous membranes when using
5 If you have skin allergic reaction, please stop using it immediately
Storage method: Please store in a dry and cool place, please keep out of reach of children
- Information is for reference only. Refer to the instruction that comes with the product for details.